(English) Below are strategies that a coach can implement during practice (“training table”) and after practice or games (“recovery table”). Coaches do not have to provide the fluid or food, this could be done by the athletes or their parents

however the coach should emphasise the importance of athletes eating properly and being aware of their nutritional needs given their level of exercise.


Training Table Checklist Recovery Table Checklist


  • Chilled fluids – especially in hot conditions
  • Sports drink or cordial / Kool-Aid may be useful for longer training sessions
  • Perhaps carbohydrate rich snacks for pre-game “top up” (e.g. fresh fruit, jam sandwiches, cereal bars)
  • Individual drink bottles for hygiene and to allow player to monitor how much fluid has been consumed


  • Incorporate regular drink breaks during practice
  • Encourage good hydration practices
  • Consider occasional monitoring of hydration success by weighing pre- and post-training (1kg chance = 1 litre fluid) or checking use of drink bottles


  • Chilled fluids
  • Easy to eat snack options that provide both carbohydrates and protein (e.g. chicken and salad sandwiches, fruit and yoghurt, flavoured milk, breakfast cereal and milk


  • Support healthy choices at canteens and shops at basketball arenas
  • Encourage well-chosen eating by team members
  • Provide resources (e.g. fridge or kitchen area) where players can store / prepare their own snacks