- (English) 2.1.1 Planning Practice - Introduction
- (English) 2.1.2 Planning Practice - Setting goals
- (English) 2.1.3 Planning Practice - Stages of a practice session
- (English) 2.1.4 Planning Practice - Planning appropriate activities
- (English) 2.1.5 Planning Practice - Duration of activities
- (English) 2.1.6 Planning Practice - Using stations and group work
- (English) 2.1.7 Planning Practice-Managing Physical and Psychological Load
- (English) 2.1.8 Planning Practice-adding complexity
- (English) 2.1.9 Review-Reflecting on practice
- (English) 2.1.10 Creating a Positive Environment
- (English) 2.1.11 Providing a Safe Environment
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- (English) 2.3.1 Communicating with Athletes - Listen More, Speak Less
- (English) 2.3.2 “Coaching on the Run” Technique
- (English) 2.3.3 Providing Feedback
- (English) 2.3.4 Changing behaviour with feedback
- (English) 2.3.5 Conducting the Session - Organizing Players into Groups
- (English) 2.3.6 Conducting the Session - Introduce the Activity
- (English) 2.3.7 Conducting the Session - Observe and Give Feedback
- (English) 2.3.8 Adaptive Coaching - Changing Activities to be more effective
- (English) 2.3.9 Adaptive Coaching - Coaching Athletes of Varying Abilities
- (English) 2.3.10 Adaptive Coaching - Including Athletes with a Disability
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- (English) 3.2.1 Productive and reproductive approaches to coaching
- (English) 3.2.2 Different approaches according to age of athlete
- (English) 3.2.3 LTAD - making fun a focus
- (English) 3.2.4 Games-based approach to coaching
- (English) 3.2.5 Differing coaching styles to coaching
- (English) 3.2.6 Communication styles
- (English) 3.2.7 Holistic development - “athlete-centred” approach
- (English) 3.2.8 Holistic development - teaching non-basketball skills
- (English) 3.2.9 Holistic development - developing mindset and resilience
- (English) 3.2.10 Holistic development - developing self confidence
- (English) 3.2.11 Holistic development - developing self control
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- (English) 2.7.1 Basic shooting - introduction
- (English) 2.7.2 Basic shooting - teaching lay-up footwork
- (English) 2.7.3 Basic shooting - foundation for the shot - balanced stance
- (English) 2.7.4 Basic shooting - grip on the ball
- (English) 2.7.5 Basic shooting - "top of the shot" - releasing the ball
- (English) 2.7.6 Basic shooting - shooting off the dribble
- (English) 2.7.7 Basic shooting - jump shot
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- (English) 2.8.1 The importance of the first step
- (English) 2.8.2 Getting post position
- (English) 2.8.3 Drop step
- (English) 2.8.4 Drop step - counter move
- (English) 2.8.5 Basics of perimeter offence
- (English) 2.8.6 Drive fake moves
- (English) 2.8.7 Shot fake moves
- (English) 2.8.8 Catch and shoot
- (English) 2.8.9 Penetrating off the dribble
- (English) 2.8.10 Activities to practice offence in low post
- (English) 2.8.11 Activities to practice perimeter offence
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- (English) 1.1.1 Matching up - basic principle of man to man defence
- (English) 1.1.2 Distance from opponent
- (English) 1.1.3 Defending one pass away
- (English) 1.1.4 Flat triangle position
- (English) 1.1.5 Stance - denial or open
- (English) 1.1.6 Moving on the pass
- (English) 1.1.7 Help defence - split line defence
- (English) 1.1.8 Help defence - help to defend dribble penetration
- (English) 1.1.9 Help defence - helping the helper / defensive rotation
- (English) 1.1.10 Defensive communication
- (English) 1.1.11 Transition defence
- (English) 1.1.12 Full court man to man defence
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- (English) 1.2.1 Defending off ball screens – “lock and trail”
- (English) 1.2.2 Defending off ball screens – “under”
- (English) 1.2.3 Defending off ball screens – “through”
- (English) 1.2.4 Defending off ball screens – “switch”
- (English) 1.2.5 Defending on ball screens – “under”
- (English) 1.2.6 Defending on ball screens – “over”
- (English) 1.2.7 Defending on ball screens – “through”
- (English) 1.2.8 Defending off ball screens – “switch”
- (English) 1.2.9 Defending on ball screens – “double”
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- (English) 2.1.1. Motion offence - 5 out - dribble entry - hand-off
- (English) 2.1.2 Motion Offence - 5 Out - Replacing the Cutter
- (English) 2.1.3 Motion Offence - 5 Out - Purposeful movement - timing and spacing
- (English) 2.1.4 Motion Offence - 5 Out - Ball Reversal
- (English) 2.1.5 Motion Offence - 5 Out - Dribble Penetration - Receivers’ Principles
- (English) 2.1.6 Motion Offence - 5 Out - Dribble Entry
- (English) 2.1.7 Introducing Screens - 5 Out - Pass and Screen Away
- (English) 2.1.8 Scrimmage Activity
- (English) 2.1.9 Allowing Creativity in Decision Making
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- 2.2.1 Off Ball Screens - Role of Screener - Setting the Screen
- (English) 2.2.2 Off Ball Screens - Basic Cuts of Screen - Straight Cut
- (English) 2.2.3 Off Ball Screens - Basic Cuts of Screen - Curl Cut
- (English) 2.2.4 Off Ball Screens - Basic Cuts of Screen - Back Cut
- (English) 2.2.5 Off Ball Screens - Basic Cuts of Screen - Flare Cut
- (English) 2.2.6 Off Ball Screens - Role of Screener – Pop or Roll
- (English) 2.2.7 Off Ball Screens - Down screens
- (English) 2.2.8 Off Ball Screens - Up screens
- (English) 2.2.9 Off Ball Screens - Back screens
- (English) 2.2.10 On Ball Screens - Dribbler Options
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- (English) 2.3.1 Basic Fast Break - Starting the Break
- (English) 2.3.2 Basic Fast Break - Running Wide Lanes
- (English) 2.3.3 Basic Fast Break - Pass the Ball Ahead
- (English) 2.3.4 Basic Fast Break - 2v1 Fast Break
- (English) 2.3.5 Basic Fast Break - 3v2 Fast Break
- (English) 2.3.6 Basic Fast Break - Moving into Offence
- (English) 2.3.7 Activities to Practice Fast Break Principles
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(English) Level 1
(English) 3.2.1 Hydration
Injuries are a part of basketball and players should seek appropriate advice and expertise in treating any injuries that they may sustain. Given the number of players in a small space, injuries are somewhat inevitable, however, there are also a number of things that coaches may do in order to help keep their athletes on the court and performing to their capabilities.
The Importance of Hydration
Between 50-75% of the human body is water, which means that there can be drastic consequences if a player loses water.
Dehydration occurs when the body loses fluid, which during exercise is mainly caused by sweating. The extent of fluid loss can be easily measured by weighing athletes before they start training then once they have finished. Each kilogram of weight loss indicates a loss of 1 litre of fluid. Athletes should be weighed in their underwear, as singlets and shorts will retain sweat.
In order to minimize dehydration, athletes need to drink enough during exercise to match the loss of sweat. Any amount of dehydration will impair the performance of the athlete, with some estimates suggesting that 2% dehydration can lead to a 10% decrease in performance.
Another test for hydration is the colour of an athlete’s urine – athletes should aim for it to be consistently colourless or light yellow. Dark yellow or amber coloured urine are signs of dehydration.
The level of dehydration can range from mild to severe, as can the symptoms that an athlete may experience, which include:
- Dizziness or light-headedness;
- Nausea or vomiting;
- Muscle cramps;
- Increased heart rate;
- Increased rate of fatigue;
- Reduced skill level.
Scheduling regular drink breaks during practice and ensuring that athletes have been informed of the importance of hydration are important steps for a coach to take. The coach should not simply call “drinks break”, but should ensure that every athlete does take a drink. Having a team rule that every player must have their own drink bottle at every training can help reinforce the importance of drinking.
Fluids that should be avoided are:
- Carbonated drinks;
- Drinks containing caffeine or other diuretic substances (which cause fluid loss).
Where exercise is of high intensity or lasts for an hour or more, the fluids consumed should ideally meet the following criteria:
- Have a flavour palatable to the athlete (as this will encourage greater fluid intake);
- Contain 6-8% carbohydrate;
- Contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.