(English) To stop, players may use either a one-count stop (“jump stop”) or a two-count stop (“stride stop”). In the first case, both feet touch the floor at the same time, whereas in the second case one foot will touch the floor first and then the other foot lands. In both cases, the most important thing is to keep the body balanced, landing with an appropriate body stance.

The most common mistake when players are stopping is a lack of balance. Basically this occurs because the players do not bend their legs (or leg) sufficiently when they stop, they do not spread their body weight properly, or they do not spread their legs to get the basic basketball stance.

With a one-count stop, the body weight should be equally distributed between the two legs and the feet land at the same time.

About 60% of their weight should be on the front of their foot, with the heels lifting slightly. Commonly though, players transfer too much weight to the front of the foot, causing them to fall (or step) forwards.

Alternately, with a two-count stop the weight is initially focused on the first foot to land, with the knee bent in order to stop forward momentum. As the other foot touches the floor, weight is transferred so that it is even between the two feet.

Whichever technique they use to stop, if they are stopping with the ball in their hands, the player should generally face the basket and must also know which is their pivot foot.

The pivot foot is important because:

  • If the player wants to dribble, they must start dribbling before lifting their pivot foot;
  • If the player does lift their pivot foot, they must throw, shoot or pass the ball before it touches the ground. If it touches the ground while they still have the ball it is a travelling violation.

The jump stop (“one count”) may be preferred particularly because it gives a player with the ball a choice of pivot foot. On a two count stop, whichever foot landed first must be the pivot foot. However, if on catching the ball the player is going to turn to face the basket, a stride stop (“two count”) may be preferable as it is quicker than stopping and pivoting. Most importantly, players should be taught, and become proficient at, both techniques.