
Counter Moves

After a drop step move, the post player may face a help defender, or their own defender may have managed to move into position. It is important that all players have a “counter move” to use – however it can also be used on any penetration in the key, whether on receiving a pass, or dribbling from the perimeter.

First, the use of a shot fake can be extremely effective to get the defender to jump (in an effort to block the shot). An effective shot fake should lift the ball to at least the forehead, and should lift the shoulders and upper body. The lower body must stay balanced and ready to move.

After the fake, either a reverse pivot, forward pivot or cross-over step may be the most effective way to step towards the basket, and players should be able to do all three. Forward and reverse pivots have already been discussed in this chapter.


Cross-Over Step (“Step Through”)

With a cross-over step, the player moves to their right, stepping with their left foot or vice versa.

In this instance it can help to pivot on the heel of the foot, rather than on the toes. By pivoting on the heel and turning the pivot foot in the direction they wish to head, it is made easier to move in that direction.


‘birdseye’ view

The player’s feet are shown by the thick lines. The second diagram shows the turning of the right foot, before stepping with the left foot (shown by the arrow).

Low Post Moves Step Through
Step Through