
Many activities can be organised to practice low post moves. Initially, activities should be limited to practising separately each of the three aspects mentioned earlier:

  • Moves before receiving the ball (“sealing the defender”);
  • Passing;
  • Playing with the ball to score.

However, do not spend too long on such isolated activities. It is better to move to activities that utilise two or three of these aspects relatively quickly.


“Find the Angle”

Have offence and defence in the low post and 2-5 players in perimeter positions.

The defence takes an initial position, and the post player establishes a “seal” and holds it. The perimeter players must move the ball to whoever has the best passing angle.

Initially the defender may be relatively passive, but can build to full 1x1 contest.



Each player has a ball and passes to the coach, moves into the low post and receives a pass from the coach. The player performs a designated move.

Initially, have no defender, however move quickly to using a defender in position so that the post player’s move must be realistic.


“Catch and Score”

A team mate passes the ball to the post player. Initially there is no defender, and then a defender is introduced but is “passive” (i.e. they stand in position but do not attempt to guard). Passive defence enables the post player to recognise cues such as foot position and hip position.

Finally, introduce defence for 1x1.


“Catch the Ball”

Use two perimeter players (each with a ball) and one post player. The low post catches a pass, landing in good balanced stance, and then passes back.

Introduce a passive defender to give cues such as foot and arm position. Finally introduce defence for contested 1x1.


“Passing lane”

One low post, with defender and two perimeter players. The low post tries to establish position, and the perimeter players pass the ball (or dribble on the perimeter) to identify a passing lane, and then pass into post.

This can then be played to score/defensive possession. For added complexity, add one and then two perimeter defenders.


“Post Decisions”

This activity is played either 2x2 or 3x3. The low post receives the ball (defenders cannot intercept the pass) and then has to decide between passing back to perimeter players and playing to score.

Initially, have defenders decide whether to “crowd” the post player or stay out on a perimeter player. Then introduce that any shot taken by a perimeter player will count for a score (to make the defence more realistic).


“2x2” & “3x3”

This activity can be restricted by playing on one side of the court or allowing perimeter players free movement on the perimeter.