Simply, when setting an “elevator” screen, two team mates set a screen but stand one or two steps apart from each other.

The “elevator” screen is often used after some other screens in the offence as it is most effective when there is some separation between the cutter and their defender.

Below is an example of an offence that incorporates an “elevator” screen.

4 sets a down screen for 5, as 3 dribbles out from the wing and 1 relocates to the wing.

1 then cuts off a back screen by 4.

4 and 5 simultaneously set down screens for 1. They leave enough space between themselves that 1 can cut through the middle of them.

1 could also cut either side of 4 or 5, which is a read they would make.

If x1 attempts to follow 1 and run between 4 and 5, 4 and 5 step together (like an elevator door closing) to stop x1.

If x1 attempts to run outside either 4 or 5, then they would not step together.

Timing of the screen in this action is very important. If the screeners step into the path of x1 without giving sufficient time and distance for them to stop or change direction, then that could be an offensive blocking foul.

The other common spot for this screen to be set is for the screeners to be on the foul line.