(English) Mini Basketball
(English) 3.4 Speed
- Dribble running on court and change speed at the coach’s signal (whistle, voice or visual) or have them follow lines of court.
- Dribble starting from different positions (standing, sitting, kneeling, lying on back, lying on tummy, etc.).
- In pairs (one ball each), dribble and try to touch partner ́s ball, knee, back; untie their shoe-laces, etc., all while dribbling!
Joint Mobility
- Rotation, twisting trunk, extension of lower limbs, extension of upper limbs, holding ball in hands.
- Very easy circuits: passing under a bench, inside the wall bars, under a curved ladder on the floor, upside down.
Spatial-Temporal and Dynamic Differentiation
- Walk and run fast, slowly, jump slowly or fast. Progress to include dribbling.
- Dribble slow, fast, bouncing ball high, low, and very high, very low.
- Dribble two balls in alternate ways (standing still and on the move).
- Dribble running, changing hands, direction, speed, reverse walking (at coach’s signal).
- Dribble at different paces.
- In pairs, imitate the other ́s speed of dribbling.
- The coach beats a rhythm and children try to imitate it with their hands, feet, with the ball.