(English) Mini Basketball
(English) 3.1 General movement and ball control
(English) It is important to help children to get to know their body and the movements they can perform with each part of their body (standing still, on the move, with and without the ball).
Development of “Body Movement” Patterns
Players will enjoy learning movements they are not yet familiar with. Such activities are often best done initially with a size 3 ball or even a tennis ball. Example activities are listed below. You would not do all the activities in one session, however you can use selected activities for a short time each training. Some of the activities are difficult, however if you set the “challenge” to see who can do them, you may be surprised at how many are able to do so. No activity should go for too long though, as players that are having difficulty may become disenchanted and players that are able to do them will quickly become “bored”.General Movement and Ball Control
- All types of walking (on heels, tip-toes, on the inside and outside of foot).
- Walking forward or running forward, walking backwards and sideways, holding the ball high, low, behind the back.
- Run, lifting heels so that they hit their bottom, or so that they hit the ball when holding it behind their back.
- Run lifting knees high holding ball in front. Players may hit the ball with their knees (and if they keep their elbows bent they will need to lift their knees higher!)
- While walking or running, pass the ball around the head, the trunk, lower limbs, or roll it along the floor or toss it from one hand to another. Encourage the players to keep “looking up” so that they can see the coach. This often means bending their knees to get low rather than bending at the waist.
- Walk or run in the middle of the court holding the ball while music is playing. When the music stops, each child must stop. Then start the music again.
- The same as activity #6, but dribbling freely in the court. Players may dribble with one hand or two hands (players with better skills should be encouraged to dribble only one hand), and may stop the dribble and start again.
- Walk holding the ball with the hands, roll it without letting go around body, squeeze it, and throw it in the air and catch.
- Walk holding ball between ankles.
- Jump holding ball between ankles.
- Crawling: carry ball between ankles, under tummy, roll over ball.
- Sitting down, raise legs and pass ball under knees from one hand to another.
- Lying on ground, pass ball under knees from one hand to another.
- Lying on back, hold ball between ankles: lift ball to touch the ground behind head and return back.
- Lying on tummy, bounce with right and left hand.
- Squeeze ball with two hands for about 5 seconds.
- Standing up, legs apart, hold ball high: bend waist and touch right foot and left foot with ball.
- Lying on back, ball above ankles, raise legs and roll ball towards chest.
- Start with the ball on the ground: try to “lift” it by tapping with one hand.
- Dribble ball with feet, knees, and head.
- Raise ball high, let it drop and bounce on ground, touch it with head, shoulders, knee, and foot.
- Hold ball between hands: rapidly change hand position.
- Roll ball around feet moving around the court.
- Push ball forward with head.
- Place one hand on ground and use other to dribble and move.
- Bounce ball on ground with fist, side of hand, back of hand, palm and palm and fingers (standing still and on the move). Then use two fists, two sides, two backs of hand. Coaches may ask the players after this activity which technique gave them greater control - most will identify using the palm and fingers of their hand, which is good dribbling technique!
- In pairs sitting down “back to back”. Pass the ball to each other by twisting the upper body.
- In pairs lying on back: “A” holds the ball between ankles, raises legs and passes to “B” who receives with hands, repeat. Progress to “B” receiving with their feet.
- In pairs: “A” with ball between ankles raises legs and passes ball to “B” who is standing; repeat and then change positions.