
Body Orientation in Space and Laterality

The following activities can be done as a group, with each player having a ball or players working in pairs.
  1. Game-drill exploring basketball court (side-lines, end-lines, circles), walking, running, jumping, dribbling along the lines. This can progress to a game of “Pac Man”, where some players are designated as taggers and try to tag other players – all players can only run along lines on the court.
  2. Stand inside the court and throw ball towards side-lines and try to catch it before it goes out of court; same towards end-lines.
  3. Walk in the court with one eye closed and one open, (and then progress to both eyes closed), dribbling and then progress to jumping and dribbling.
  4. Dribble following court lines, circles, and lanes.
  5. Walk in court passing ball under legs.
  6. Dribble standing still with preferred hand, walking, running.
  7. Dribble standing still and jump with feet together, jump on one foot, with open legs, crossed legs.
  8. Standing still dribble, with one hand and jump on corresponding foot.
  9. Dribble against wall with one hand and then progress to dribbling with two hands.
  10. Dribble high, very high, low, very low.
  11. Dribble sitting down with one finger, two, three, four, five fingers.
  12. Throw ball very high and catch with same hand, with opposite hand, with two hands (standing, kneeling, sitting, lying with back on ground).
  13. Dribble and jump in a straight line.

Spatial-Temporal Perception

  1. Players move around the court avoiding objects (such as cones, drink bottles, bags) that are scattered on the court. Initially players roll ball with one hand (making sure they use both left and right). Can also have them use two hands, their feet and (finally) dribbling the ball.
  2. Walk, throw ball forwards and grab it immediately after it has touched the ground.
  3. Walk, throw ball backwards and immediately retrieve it; repeat.
  4. Throw ball very high and catch it after having clapped hands several times in front of their body. Then clap behind the back and then in front and behind or even under their legs. Then, instead of clapping, have the players touch the ground with one or both hands or turn around in a circle.
  5. Throw ball against wall and catch it.
  6. Throw ball against wall, clap hands in front and catch without dropping: repeat clapping hands behind back, touching ground, turning around.
  7. In pairs hold hands and dribble, with one player touching the ball and then the other. Start with players standing in place and progress to them moving.
  8. Roll ball, run and catch it before it reaches an established mark.
  9. Roll ball and turn around it.
  1. Throwballhighandclaphandsevery time it touches ground. Then, jumping with feet together every time it hits the ground and then try jumping on one foot.
  2. Throw ball as high as possible and as far as possible.
  3. Dribble, “beating” a rhythm. Have the coach clap a rhythm and then have players “dribble” it (this can also be done in pairs). First have them dribble the rhythm standing still and progress to them being on the move.
  4. Back against wall, throw ball against wall, turn and catch ball.
  5. Walk holding ball behind head, let it drop and catch it before it touches floor.
  6. Spin ball on one finger.
  7. Walk passing ball from one hand to the other.
  8. Legs apart, bounce ball on floor between legs, turn and grab ball.
  9. Standing with legs apart, ball held between legs with one hand in front and one behind: quickly pass from hand to hand.


  1. Dribble jumping on one foot (in place and on the move).
  2. Standing still, hold ball, legs apart: jump, turn around completely and land in same position (in one direction and then the other).
  3. Dribble with eyes closed.
  4. Jump on and off a bench without losing balance.
  5. Run around court and stop immediately at a signal. Progress to dribbling
  6. Run around court, stop at a signal, jump high and turn around, then start to run again.
  7. Dribble in court, on the coach’s signal roll on ground, stand up, grasp ball and start to dribble again.
  8. Dribble in court and at the signal stop still, standing on one foot.


  1. Roll ball and try to hit a target (e.g. another ball that is moving, circle, clubs, numbers drawn on the wall, inside the squares of wall bars, etc.).
  2. Run, with one arm forward and the other held above the head.
  3. Throw ball and try to put it through a circle held by a teammate.
  4. In pairs (one ball each): try to touch back, knees, ball (the one who manages to touch the other most times in a certain period of time wins).
  5. Dribble with two balls alternatively. Start stationary and progress to running.
  6. Walk backwards, dribbling with two balls and progress to running. When doing activities encourage players to have their “chin to shoulder” so they can see behind them and avoid any obstacles. Alternately, place them in pairs with the partner walking forwards and responsible for ensuring their partner does not run into any obstacle.
  7. In pairs dribble with two balls and at the coach’s signal exchange balls. Initially exchange balls by handing them to the other player. Progress to the other player simply taking over the dribbling.
  8. In pairs both players dribble two balls. On the coach’s signal they dribble their team mate’s balls! Progress to one player dribbling 4 balls (dribble two twice, then dribble the other two twice).
  9. Dribble a figure of “8” with legs apart. 10. Dribble figure of “8” in pairs.
  1. In pairs, “A” dribbles towards “B” (who is standing with legs apart and extending arms) “A” passes under “B”, turns around, returns to starting position, stops, turns and passes the ball to “B” who then repeats the same game-drill.
  2. Standing up, ball held-in front with straight arms: let it drop, clap hands behind back and grab ball. Progress to holding ball behind back: clap hands and grab ball again. Then repeat with ball held in front of knee.
  3. Dribble simultaneously with three balls.
  4. In pairs (one ball each) “A” dribbles forward and “B” dribbles moving backwards; at coach’s signal change. Coach’s should sometimes use verbal signals and other times use a visual signal, which encourages the players to keep their “head up”. Progress to “A” choosing whichever direction (including sideways) and “B” does the opposite
  5. In pairs, one ball each: “A” bounce passes to “B” and “B” throws two- handed chest pass back to “A”.
  6. In pairs, “A” standing with ball and “B” sitting without ball. “A” passes to “B” and sits down, “B” passes to “A” and stands up.
  7. In pairs players throw two-handed chest pass, bounce pass, side pass, side bounce pass and two-handed overhead pass back and forth.
  8. In pairs, place a coin (or small rock) on the ground between partners. Partners throw bounce passes to each other, trying to the knock the coin toward their partner.
  9. In pairs, standing back to back: pass ball above head and below legs.
  1. In pairs facing each other “A” rolls the ball to “B” and “B” passes a second ball at same time with feet.
  2. In pairs, sitting facing each other, one ball each: exchange balls rolling, bouncing, and throwing.
  3. Aim and throw ball against a target.
  4. In pairs: “A” makes movements dribbling and “B” copies
  5. In pairs ball between backs while standing: walk forwards, backwards, sideways, trying not to drop the ball. Progress to doing same activity with ball held between foreheads.
  1. In pairs: “A” passes the ball to “B” and “B”, before receiving it, must clap their hands.
  2. In pairs: “A” throws the ball high in the air and “B” throws own ball trying to hit it.