Simply, “coaching on the run” is giving feedback to players while the activity is still happening.

The timeliness of feedback is very important to its effectiveness and if the coach waits until the end of the activity to provide feedback:

  • Athletes won’t associate it as closely to their own performance;
  • The coach may forget some of the points the wished to make.

Both of these outcomes need to be avoided. When “coaching on the run”, the coach either:

  • Speaks to an individual athlete when they have completed a task in the activity, allowing the other athletes to continue;
  • Speaks to the athlete while they are continuing to do the activity.

Particularly if the athlete is still involved in the activity, the coach’s feedback needs to be precise and quick. The use of key or cue words will greatly assist this. It is also important that the coach first gets the attention of the athlete and then gives the feedback.